The tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns, biscuits and all sweet things. Tearing along the highway, he searches for sugary treats to steal, until his sweet tooth leads him to a sticky end.
The Highway Rat Showmax Movies Sign up Sign in Menu The Highway Rat Based on Julia Donaldsons bestselling childrens book the Highway Rat is a greedy thief who always steals everyones food But this time hes bitten off more than he can chew Genre Animation Family Year 2017 FPB Rating A Jeroen Jaspaert Rob Brydon Frances de la Tour Tom Hollander Try it free for 14 days People also watched VOIRFILMS Streaming Voir Des Films COMPLET en ligne et Films en streaming Le Roi Lion Scooby Birds of Prey et la fantabuleuse histoire de Harley Quinn Interstellar Récents films sur Voir films Father Soldier Son Avengers Infinity War Joker La Guerre des étoiles Ad Astra Attraction 2 Star Wars LAscension de Skywalker The Old Guard USS Greyhound La bataille de lAtlantique Artemis Fowl Rencontre fatale Palm Springs BBC One The Highway Rat The Highway Rat tells the tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns biscuits and all sweet things Tearing along the highway he searches for sugary treats to steal until his sweet tooth leads him
The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson video dailymotion Watch fullscreen 3 years ago 101K views The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson Judoza Follow 3 years ago 101K views Matt Curtis narrates the much loved book by Julia Donaldson The Highway Rat as part of the My Daughters Story range by Chizorra Productions With accompanying illustrations by Axel Scheffler The Highway Rat is the story of a rat who steals everybody elses food If you The Highway Rat Movie Moviefone The tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns biscuits and all sweet things Tearing along the highway he searches for sugary treats to steal until his sweet tooth leads him to a sticky end UWatchFree Watch Movies and TVSeries Online Free Watch movies online on uwatchfree Download your favorite movies and tvseries in HD without registration Watch the latest uwatchfreemovies online Menu Skip to content Genres Movies Featured TVSeries Hindi Telugu Dubbed Movie Request Search UWatchFree Watch Movies and TVSeries Online Free Vertical Limit 2000 HD Sleep Tight 2011 HD Hanging Millstone HD Resident Evil The Highway Rat Stream online angucken auf Streamworldco The Highway Rat Animation Familie Räuber Ratte war ein Schurke Räuber Ratte war ein Dieb Er raubte allen Reisenden das Essen bis kein Krümel übrig blieb Vor allem süße Leckereien haben es dem Schrecken der Landstraße angetan Doch eines Tages trifft Räuber Ratte auf eine Ente und die ist schlau und lockt ihn kurzerhand in einen Hinterhalt 66 TheHighwayRat2017German
The Highway Rat 2017 The Movie Database TMDb Now Streaming Watch Now The Highway Rat 2017 U 01162019 DE Family Animation Comedy 25m User Score Play Trailer Give me your buns and your biscuits Overview The tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns biscuits and all sweet things Tearing along the highway he searches for sugary treats to steal until his sweet tooth leads him to a sticky end Jeroen Jaspaert Director Writer The Highway Rat 2017 Nieuwe Film Kijk nu The Highway Rat 2017 online gratis Kijk nu The Highway Rat 2017 gratis Kijk nu The Highway Rat 2017 stream gratis Kijk nu The Highway Rat 2017 gratis films online Kijk nu The Highway Rat 2017 gratis Storm The Highway Rat 2017 volledige films online gratisDe Storm Nieuwe filmsVolledige films online gratisTv kijkenGratis films online bekijken zonder registratieGratis films onlineGratis Watch The Highway Rat 2017 Online Free Movie25 Movie25 Watch The Highway Rat 2017 Full Movie Online Free Plot unknown Reportedly an animated project based on the longrunning The Highway Rat video game franchise The Highway Rat 2017 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released 2017 The Highway Rat stars Rob Brydon Frances de la Tour Tom Hollander Nina Sosanya The movie has a runtime of about 25 min and received a score of out of 100 on Metacritic
Movies Watch Free Movies amp TV Shows Online Popcornflix Watch free movies and TV shows online at Popcornflix 000 0000 The Highway Rat TV Short 2017 IMDb Directed by Jeroen Jaspaert With Rob Brydon Frances de la Tour Tom Hollander Husaam Kiani A greedy rat travels the highway in search of other animals food The Highway Rat 2017 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers An animated family film based on the muchloved childrens book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler The Highway Rat tells the tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns The Highway Rat 2017 review This is my brief review for the most recent computeranimated short film adaptation of Julia Donaldsons The Highway Rat initially broadcast on BBC One on Christmas Day 2017 produced by Magic