Several people disappear from and at the sea. Their bodies are found gnawed to the skeleton, even the marrow is missing. The scientists have no idea which animal could do such things. Dr. Turner begins to suspect that the company which builds a tunnel beneath the bay might have poisoned the environment and caused an octopus to mutate to giant dimensions...
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Tentacules Film Complet en Français by FilmampClips Tentacules Film Complet en Français by FilmampClips Réalisé par Ovidio Assonitis comme Oliver Hellman Avec John Huston Shelley Winters Bo Hopkins Henry Fonda Italie USA 1977 Dans une Tentacles 1977 Tentacles 1977 User Reviews IMDb If 1977s Orca was the Bmovie version of Jaws then Tentacles is its cheapie rockbottom refuse Despite a cast that includes Oscar veterans like John Huston Shelley Winters and Henry Fonda this is downright grindhouse fodder The Italian setting makes a poor substitute for Los Angeles theres a noticeable lack of octopus action while the movies main focus seems to be longwinded Tentacules 1977 Streaming Complet VF Tentacules 1977 Streaming Francais Dans une petite ville de la cote ouest des ÉtatsUnis un bébé et un marin disparaissent Quelques heures plus tard leurs cadavres sont retrouvés atrocement mutilés sur la plage Un shérif aidé dune journaliste et dun océanographe va essayer de trouver la cause de ce massacre Ils vont Watch Tentacles Online 1977 Movie Yidio Watch Tentacles Online Tentacles the 1977 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio
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