It is approaching an election in the UK when the leader of the Labour party, John Smith, suffers another in a line of heart attacks and dies. With the leadership campaign about to start the clear choice appears to be Gordon Brown, a stanch Scotsman. However Tony Blair is also beginning to appear more likely as he will appeal to Southern voters who would be turned off by Brown. Blair rings Brown to arrange a meeting to discuss which will go for the job. The film flashbacks to the start of their relationship, sharing an office in Westminster on their first seats.
The Deal On Demand All 4 Drama probing the complex and tense relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown French Stream Films et Séries en HD Streaming Gratuit et Regarder Facilement et Gratuitement des centaines de Films et Séries en Streaming HD FrenchStreamco FrenchStream FrenchStreamcc FrenchStreamtv FrenchStreamme FrenchStreaming VOIRFILMS Streaming Voir Des Films COMPLET en ligne et Voir films est le vrai site de films en streaming qui vous propose de voir les derniers films en streaming sans limit Vous allez trouver tous les films gratuit que vous aimez et vous pourrez les voir en VF français
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The Deal Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News The Deal TMDb Score 71 Not Yet Rated 1 hr 30 min TV Movie Dead Bodies 2003 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released 2003 Dead Bodies stars AndrewScott KellyReilly DarrenHealy KatyJones The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 40 min and received a score of out of 100 on Metacritic which put Movies Watch Free Movies amp TV Shows Online Popcornflix Watch free movies and TV shows online at Popcornflix 000 0000 The Deal 2003 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers British director Stephen Frears political docudrama The Deal was originally broadcast on Channel 4 The film is based on the reallife events that elevated Tony Blair to the seat of Prime Minister
The Deal 2003 Fandango Awards Watch Indie Movie Guide Family Guide House Of Screams Weekend Ticket My VIP Account Join FandangoVIP Buy Movies Get Movies Earn 125 points on every ticket you buy Rack up 500 points and youll score a 5 reward for more movies Learn more Insider Perks Get your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home exclusive movie gear access to advanced screenings and The Deal 2003 MYmovies The Deal 2003 Where to Watch It Streaming Online The film flashbacks to the start of their relationship sharing an office in Westminster on their first seatsThe Deal featuring David Morrissey and Matt Blair is not currently available to stream rent or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates Its a biography and comedy movie with a better than average IMDb audience rating of 70 1258 votes The Deal TV Movie 2003 IMDb Directed by Stephen Frears With David Morrissey Matt Blair Michael Sheen Dexter Fletcher Follows the rise to power of Tony Blair and his friendship and rivalry with his contemporary Gordon Brown