The title says it all. There's a mix up involving stolen diamonds which Ernest has (naturally) made into a yo-yo and given to his would be girlfriend, Rene. But Rene wants a man of action, and doesn't think that Ernest fits the bill. After the bad guys come looking for the stolen diamonds and kidnap Rene, all of her fantasies come true as Ernest has to go to Africa to rescue her.
Ernest Goes to Africa Video 1997 IMDb Directed by John R Cherry III With Jim Varney Linda Kash Jamie Bartlett Clare Marshall Everyones favorite knowitall neighbor the beloved Ernest P Worell must head to Africa to save the girl of his dreams from a group of diamond smugglers Ernest Goes to Africa Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Looking to watch Ernest Goes to Africa on your TV phone or tablet Tracking down a streaming service to buy rent download or watch the John R Cherry IIIdirected movie via subscription can Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Watch on Prime Video Tubi Ernest Goes to Africa is available to stream on Prime Video Tubi and Vudu You can also rent or buy it starting at 199 See where to watch Ernest Goes to Africa on reelgood
Watch Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Full Movie Free Online When a dimwit tries to win a womans affection with a yoyo made from stolen diamonds he is forced to become the man of action she always wanted Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 FULL MOVIE DOWNLOAD FULL HD Ernest Goes to Africa full English Full Movie Underwater full Full Movie Ernest Goes to Africa full Full Movie Streaming Ernest Goes to Africa Full Movie EngSub Watch Ernest Goes to Africa full Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 The Movie Database TMDb The title says it all Theres a mix up involving stolen diamonds which Ernest has naturally made into a yoyo and given to his would be girlfriend Rene But Rene wants a man of action and doesnt think that Ernest fits the bill After the bad guys come looking for the stolen diamonds and kidnap Rene all of her fantasies come true as Ernest has to go to Africa to rescue her Watch Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Putlockers Watch free Putlocker123 Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Putlockers HD Stream full movies Ernest Goes to Africa 123movies new The title says it all Theres a mix up involving stolen diamonds which Ernest has naturally made into a yoyo and given to his would be girlfriend Rene But Rene wants a man of action and doesnt think that Ernest fits the bill
Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 TMDb Score 40 PG 1 hr 30 min Jan 1st 1997 Comedy Family The title says it all Theres a mix up involving Watch Ernest Goes To Africa 1997 Full Movie Vmovee Year1997 Genre Comedy Family Description Everyones favorite knowitall neighbor the beloved Ernest P Worell must head to Africa to save the girl of his dreams from a group of diamond smugglers Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Where to Watch Online Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 is a comedy family movie starring Jim Varney and Linda Kash It is directed by John R Cherry III The title says it all Theres a mix up Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Full Movie YouTube Watch Ernest Goes to Africa Full Movie IN HD Visit httpbest4kmoviesxyzmovie34600 Télécharger httpbest4kmoviesxyzmovie34600 The title say
Watch Ernest Goes to Africa Online 1997 Movie Yidio Watch Ernest Goes to Africa Online Ernest Goes to Africa the 1997 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio Amazon Watch Ernest Goes to Africa Prime Video Ernest Goes to Africa 24 I think this is one of the better Ernest movies He starts off getting rejected by a girl for being an ordinary guy and then he and the girl get caught up in an international theft while the bad guys think Ernest is a Secret Agent I wont spoil it but it is full of classic Ernest moments from his costumes to different personalities he stumbles through things Ernest Goes to Africa 1997 Rotten Tomatoes Streaming Movies TV Shows Ernest Goes to Africa is a steaming pile of elephant dung Dann M Super Reviewer Feb 25 2011 Im a big Ernest fan and this one was a bit darker for an Ernest movie Télécharger Ernest Goes to Africa Film Complet en Français Ernest Goes to Africa full English Full Movie Underwater full Full Movie Ernest Goes to Africa full Full Movie Streaming Ernest Goes to Africa Full Movie EngSub Watch Ernest Goes to Africa full