A WWII film set on a Pacific island. Japanese and allied forces occupy different parts of the island. When a group of British soldiers are sent on a mission behind enemy lines, things don't go exactly to plan. This film differs in that some of the 'heroes' are very reluctant, but they come good when they are pursued by the Japanese who are determined to prevent them returning to base.
Too Late the Hero 1970 Michael Caine Cliff Robertson Full Movie HD Too Late the Hero 1970 Michael Caine Cliff Robertson Full Movie HD Want to watch this again later Sign in to add this video to a playlist Sign in More Report Need to report the video Best Action Movies Too Late The Hero 1970 Best Classic Best Action Movies Too Late The Hero 1970 Best Classic War Movies Movies Preview removecircle Share or Embed This Item EMBED EMBED for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item ltdescriptiongt tags Want more Advanced embedding details examples and help Too Late the Hero 1970 IMDb Directed by Robert Aldrich With Michael Caine Cliff Robertson Ian Bannen Harry Andrews A reluctant hero American Lieutenant Sam Lawson is secunded to a motley British unit tasked with destroying a Japanese radio on a Philippine island
Too Late The Hero 1970 HD فيلم مترجم The Dirty Dozen صاحب الفيلم المشهور Robert Aldrich فيلم من إخراج Cliff Robertson و كليف روبرتسون Michael Caine من بطولة مايكل كين Too Late the Hero 1970 News IMDb Watch Now For Free Too Late the Hero 1970Consistency across genre and modes of filmmaking marks Aldrich as one of the last great studio auteurs See full article at MUBI Permalink Report this Japanese actor Ken Takakura dies in Tokyo aged 83 18 November 2014 Digital Spy Movie News Japanese actor Ken Takakura has died in Tokyo aged 83 The veteran who boasted a sixdecade Too Late the Hero film Wikipedia Too Late the Hero is a 1970 AngloAmerican war film directed by Robert Aldrich and starring Michael Caine Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times called it a war movie at its most routine Indeed its depressing to consider how much effort and expense were expended with so little to show for it Box office The film earned rentals of 615000 in North America and 975000 in other Too Late the Hero Movie VoxLand Too Late the Hero 1970 Drama Action War A WWII film set on a Pacific island Japanese and allied forces occupy different parts of the island When a group of British soldiers are sent on a mission behind enemy lines things dont go exactly to plan This film differs in that some of the heroes are very reluctant but they come good when they are pursued by the Japanese who are determined
TOO LATE THE HERO1970 Original Theatrical Trailer Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect The next video is starting stop Loading Watch Queue Queue __count____total__ Find out why Close TOO LATE THE HERO1970 Too Late the Hero 1970 Rotten Tomatoes Too Late the Hero is updated to the extent that it tosses in some warishell comments as well a few thoughts about the demoralizing effect it has on men Its still old fashioned stuff none the less Watch Too Late the Hero Full Movie video dailymotion Watch Too Late the Hero Full Movie Online here httpwatchfullstreamingpopularnewsmoviesstreamingfilmtoolatethehero31935html Too Late the Hero 1970 video dailymotion Too Late the Hero 1970 FULL English Subtitle silepiv 059 Too Late the Hero 1970 FULL English Subtitle silepiv 407 Its too late carole king 1970 la_shivi 105 Watch Too Late the Hero Full Movie kamila swift 105 Watch Too Late the Hero Full Movie Merry Norex 105 Watch Too Late the Hero Full Movie laura smile 407 Too Late The Hero The Ground is Lava Gilman Brain
Too Late the Hero 1970 Release Info IMDb Too Late the Hero 1970 on IMDb Movies TV Celebs and more Menu Movies Release Calendar DVD amp Bluray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes amp Tickets Showtimes amp Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight TV Shows Whats on TV amp Streaming Whats on TV amp Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Amazon Too Late the Hero Michael Caine Cliff In Too Late the Hero 1970 Robert Aldrich presents a strong and realistic tale of a small band of soldiers tasked to do the impossible on a relatively remote and insignificant island in an effort to prevent the deaths of possibly thousands of allied soldiers Directed by Robert Aldrich The Flight of the Phoenix The Dirty Dozen The Longest Yard the film stars Oscar winners Michael Caine Too Late the Hero 1970 Robert Aldrich Review AllMovie On the surface Too Late The Hero seems like a conventional war movie theres a motley gang of soldier heroes an impossible mission and plenty of tense action That said director and cowriter Robert Aldrich handles the material in a way that ensures Too Late The Hero never comfortably fits into the tradition of wartime derringdo The story takes great pains to show that the soldiers Too Late the Hero 1970 Too Late the Hero 1970 User Too late the hero is one of the most boring movies that Ive ever seenwell its not that badthe action was goodthe acting is decent and the battles are goodFor a starthalf way throughout the movie some things can just drive you insane and Im not going to talk about thatIts about an American lieutenant who leads a platoon of British soldiers into a jungle somewhere in the Pacific to