Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant, newly arrived in Australia. Much of the story is taken up with Nino's attempts to understand the aspirational values and social rituals of everyday urban Australians of the 1950s and '60s, and assimilate.
Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 FULL MOVIE DOWNLOAD FULL HD YouTube Watch Theyre a Weird Mob Full Movie IN HD Visit httpgettopmoviezxyzmovie31486 Télécharger httpgettopmoviezxyzmovie31486 Nino Culotta is Theyre A Weird Mob cd1 Theyre A Weird Mob Your Shout Duration 300 104headfullofsteam 37851 views 300 World Premiere Of Theyre A Weird Mob In Australia 1966 Duration Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 clip 1 on ASO Australias Theyre a Weird Mob is an important Australian film and was based on the bestselling book by John OGrady published in 1957 It was a huge local hit earning 2 million The first Australian film to be made in 7 years its success meant that the Australian Government was pressed to provide money for further film funding Theyre a Weird Mob is sometimes credited with reviving the
Theyre a Weird Mob Online 1966 Movie Yidio Watch Theyre a Weird Mob Online Theyre a Weird Mob the 1966 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio TV Shows Movies Sign In Sign Up Theyre a Weird Mob Add to Watchlist Nino wants a better life for himself so when his cousin sends him money to come to Australia he does not hesitate to leave Italy His cousin has promised him a job as a journalist for his magazine When Nino Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 Michael Powell Synopsis Find trailers reviews synopsis awards and cast information for Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 Michael Powell on AllMovie Based on a popular Australian novel this comedy Theyre a Weird Mob Amazon Walter Chiari Ed This movie version of the book titled Theyre a Weird Mob was made in 1966 and as well as sticking roughly to the novels plot is a marvellous snapshot of Sydney in the 1960s Hair styles and wardrobe fashion are especially delightful to see Nino is well played by Walter Chiari Graham Kennedy appears for a brief cameo and the cast includes very young versions of John Mellion Chips Theyre A Weird Mob cd2 Theyre a Weird Mob Final Scene World Premiere Of Theyre A Weird Mob In Australia 1966 Duration 206 British Pathé 5810 views 206 Silver Wolf Full Movie Duration 13801
Watch Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 Online Blogger Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 iMDB Rating 67 Date Released 13 October 1966 Genre Adventure Comedy Romance Stars Walter Chiari Claire Dunne Chips Rafferty Alida Chelli Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant who arrived in Australia with the promise of a job as a journalist on his cousins magazine only to find that when he gets there the magazines folded the cousins done a runner World Premiere Of Theyre A Weird Mob In Australia 1966 Sydney Australia WORLD PREMIERE OF THEYRE A WEIRD MOB IN AUSTRALIA Title Page Glittering World Premier Commentator Phil Haldeman Cinesound Review MS Italian film star Walter Chiari Theyre A Weird Mob Your Shout Theyre A Weird Mob Your Shout Skip navigation Sign in Search Loading Close This video is unavailable Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect The next video is Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 THEYRE A WEIRD MOB was also probably the first Australian film made with a realistic eye to international distribution not only because much of the movie seems to delight in explaining and translating many examples of Aussie lingo but because it takes delight in simply showing Australians being Australians and them being a weird bloody bunch Technically it is wellmade movie and the
Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 Rotten Tomatoes Based on a popular Australian novel this comedy was produced Down Under in 1966 Nino Culotta Walter Chiari is an Italian journalist who is lured by his brother into coming to Australia to work Video Overview Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 on ASO Theyre a Weird Mob An Italian sports journalist arrives in Australia to find his cousins new magazine for migrant Italians has folded He soon gets a job as a builders labourer learns to talk and drink like an Australian and falls in love with an Australian girl Length 112 minutes Original aspect ratio 1851 Featured in the Australian Comedy Part 3 1950s1980s collection Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 IMDb Directed by Michael Powell With Walter Chiari Claire Dunne Chips Rafferty Alida Chelli Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant who arrived in Australia with the promise of a job as a journalist on his cousins magazine only to find that when he gets there the magazines folded the cousins done a runner amp the money his cousin sent for the fare was borrowed from the daughter of the boss of a My Veoh Theyre a Weird Mob 1966 Michael Powell Part 22 Part 22 of Powells Australian comedy Enjoy by gloede category Comedy added 11 years ago