When Lori Reimuller learns that her young son Robbie has epilepsy, she first trusts the judgment of the hospital staff in how best to bring it under control. As Robbie's health slides radically downhill, however, she becomes frustrated and desperate, and so does her own research into the existing literature on treatments. When she decides to try an alternative treatment called the Ketogenic Diet, devised long ago by a doctor from Johns Hopkins, she is met with narrow-minded resistance from Robbie's doctor, who is prepared to take legal action to prevent Lori from removing him from the hospital.
First Do No Harm 1997 directed by Jim Abrahams Reviews Before fervently advocating for epilepsy patients to try the ketogenic diet theres a tremendous amount of deckstacking in First Do No Harm This indictment of the medical community and insurers is oversimplified Meryl Streep unsurprisingly brings nuance to a martyrly role though shell never be bestremembered for playing saintly mothers Allison Janney as a composite character of MoviesJoy Free movies streaming watch movies online Watch HD Movies online and Stream latest tvseries Over 200000 videos to stream in HD with English and Spanish subtitle Join MoviesJoy today to begin watching movies online First Do No Harm Full movie Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect The next video is starting stop Loading Watch Queue Queue __count____total__ Find out why Close First Do No Harm Full movie
First Do No Harm TV Movie 1997 Full Cast amp Crew IMDb First Do No Harm TV Movie 1997 cast and crew credits including actors actresses directors writers and more Simply Streep Career Television First Do No Harm 1997 First Do No Harm is an important film because epilepsy hasnt been the subject to many films before nor afterwards The decision to bring it to the small screen is understandable in order to reach a wider audience And while the film reminds you at times that its a conventional television piece it keeps its pace throughout and is very emotional at times The film not only covers the Openload Movies Watch Free Streaming Movies Online Openload Movies Watch Free Streaming Movies Online Best website to watch free hd movies online without signing up or downloading anything at openload First Do No Harm TV Movie 1997 First Do No Harm The title of this moviemadefortelevision First Do No Harm comes from the Hippocratic oath which doctors take as part of their vocation However in many cases physicians are loath to recommend procedures not because they do anyone harm but because their efficacy is not supported by scientific research This is the case when fouryearold
First Do No Harm TV Movie 1997 Trivia IMDb First Do No Harm TV Movie 1997 Trivia on IMDb Cameos Mistakes Spoilers and more First Do No Harm 1997 Ολόκληρη Ταινία Ελληνικοί Υπότιτλοι Delta TV Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect The next video is starting stop Loading Watch Queue Queue __count____total__ Find out why Close FirstDoNoHarm FullMovie Gre First Do No Harm Full movie Directed by Jim Abrahams about a boy whose severe epilepsy unresponsive to medications with terrible side effects is controlled by the ketogenic diet Aspects of the story mirror Abrahams own First Do No Harm TV Movie 1997 IMDb Directed by Jim Abrahams With Meryl Streep Fred Ward Seth Adkins Margo Martindale The story of one womans struggle against a narrowminded medical establishment
Do No Harm Trailer on Vimeo Do No Harm English Synopsis Emily Edmunds has a great job and a great guy Mark But when Mark is killed in a plane crash a distraught Emily attempts suicide Her psychiatrist Dr Thorne manages to pull her out of her catatonic state It soon becomes clear that Dr Thorne is fixated on Emily who bears a strong resemblance to Thornes daughter who was in a terrible accident some years My Year with Meryl Streep First Do No Harm 1997 First Do No Harm is proof that old TV movies arent necessarily lesser experiences than their theatrically released counterparts but it also doesnt hurt to have Meryl in the lead First Do No Harm Film 1997 Moviepilot First Do No Harm ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 1997 von Jim Abrahams mit Meryl Streep Fred Ward und Seth Adkins Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu First Do No Harm First Do No Harm 1997 Jim Abrahams Related AllMovie Find similar and related movies for First Do No Harm 1997 Jim Abrahams on AllMovie