Young student finds himself being transformed to a vampire after a night with a quite attractive female vampire. First, he does not quite believe it himself, but with the help of a 300 year old teacher and the handbook "vampirism - a guide to an alternative lifestyle", he finds out that blood does not taste as bad as he expected.
My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 Netflix US Watch My Best Friend Is a Vampire Full Movie HD Quality My Best Friend Is a Vampire Full movies is also available to watch with your country subtitles Enjoy with your family in your house Click Here to Stream gtgt Streaming My Best Friend Is a Vampire Full Movie on Netflix US Young student finds himself being transformed to a vampire after a My Best Friend Is a Vampire FULL MOVIE 1987 YouTube Watch My Best Friend Is a Vampire Full Movie IN HD Visit httpwatchmoviezxyzmovie21151 Young student finds himself being transformed to a vampire af My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 subtitrat online My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 Young student finds himself being transformed to a vampire after a night with a quite attractive female vampire First he does not quite believe it himself but with the help of a 300 year old teacher and the handbook vampirism a guide to an alternative lifestyle he finds out that blood does not taste as bad as he expected
MY BEST FRIEND IS A VAMPIRE 1987 Film en Français My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 STREAMING Publicité Sous la direction de Jimmy Huston le film complet My Best Friend Is a Vampire long métrage avec original streaming en Anglais a été produit en ÉtatsUnis et est apparu dans les cinémas Français en 1987 Les spectateurs ont donné une note de trois sur cinq avec 2361 votes Avec FULLTV vous trouverez plus de 50000 fiches My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 Saving Ralphs Neck Scene 1011 Movieclips 11 videos Play all My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 Movie movieclipsFILM My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 First Time Eh Kid Scene 611 Movieclips Duration 252 My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 First Time Eh Kid Scene 611 Movieclips 11 videos Play all My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 Movie movieclipsFILM The Vampire Diaries 4x05 Elena Gives Jeremy Her Blood Duration 108 Cwfan365 Recommended for you My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 This is Totally Humiliating Scene 511 Movieclips 11 videos Play all My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 Movie movieclipsFILM Vampires Kiss 611 Movie CLIP A Horrible Job 1988 HD Duration 326 Movieclips 148288 views
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Watch My Best Friend Is a Vampire Free HD English Subtitle My Best Friend Is a Vampire Multi Source Watch trailer youtube My Best Friend Is a Vampire Vampires and teenagers are a lot alike Theyre just misunderstood Oct 01 1987 USA 89 Min PG Your rating 0 5 1 vote Comedy Family My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 IMDb Directed by Jimmy Huston With Robert Sean Leonard Evan Mirand LeeAnne Locken Cheryl Pollak After a sexual encounter with a beautiful client a teenage delivery boy finds himself being turned into a vampire My Best Friend Is a Vampire Regarder Films A propos de My Best Friend Is a Vampire General Casting Equipe de production Production Catégorie Comédie Familial Horreur Durée 89 Minutes 01 Heures 29 Minutes Langue originale Anglais Titre original My Best Friend Is a Vampire Date de sortie 19871001 1 Octobre 1987 Revenue 174 Robert Sean Leonard Jeremy Capello Cecilia Peck Nora Leeanne Locken Candy Andrews My Best Friend Is a Vampire 1987 Nonton Film Bioskop Young student finds himself being transformed to a vampire after a night with a quite attractive female vampire First he does not quite believe it himself but with the help of a 300 year old teacher and the handbook