Max Mok Siu-chung stars in this gangster flick cum romantic drama as Dragon Ching, a two-bit gangster who has recently been released from stir. Vowing to go straight, he lands a job as a waiter at the Lung Fung restaurant where he immediately falls for a gorgeous bar girl named Gigi (Ellen Chan Ar-lun). Though she initially less than receptive to the ex-con, Gigi inevitably she falls prey to his wiles. As the two are planning their wedding, Ching learns that his former boss is in trouble and vows to save him. His vendetta soon drives a wedge between Ching and his love. Ng Man-tat and Stephen Chow, before he became a comic superstar, also appears.
Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Poon ManKit Related Find similar and related movies for Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Poon ManKit on AllMovie Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Where to Watch It Streaming Cantonese title 龍鳳家族 龍鳳茶樓Lung Fung Restaurant featuring Max Mok SiuChung and Stephen Chow is not currently available to stream rent or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates Its an action amp adventure and crime movie with an average IMDb audience rating of 59 224 votes Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Original Trailer 龍鳳茶樓 Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect The next video is starting stop Loading Watch Queue Queue __count____total__ Find out why Close Lung Fung Restaurant 1990
Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Rotten Tomatoes Vowing to go straight he lands a job as a waiter at the Lung Fung restaurant where he immediately falls for a gorgeous bar girl named Gigi Ellen Chan Arlun Though she initially less than China Restaurant Lung Fung Herzlich Willkommen im China Restaurant Lung Fung In der Chinesischen Kultur ist Lung Fung Drachen und Phönix ein Symbol für Glück Wir bieten auch Take Away und Hauslieferung sowie spezielle Menüs für Firmenfeste und Familienfeiern Wiedereröffnung Liebe Gäste Das Restaurant ist seit Montag 11 Mai 2020 wieder offen unter Einhaltung der Vorgaben vom BAG Wir bitten um 龍豐集團 香港官方網站 lungfung 提供母嬰美妝食品日用品和醫藥保健品等正品正貨香港最具規模的連鎖藥妝店之一成立網購平台為客人提供便捷貨品免稅直送到家每期不同優惠折扣 Watch Full Movies in Great Quality for free AZ Movies Watch your favorite Movies here without any limits just pick the movie you like and enjoy Its free and always will be Its free and always will be Disclaimer No copyrighted or illegal content is hosted on this website all content are hosted on non affiliated third party websites
Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Poon ManKit Synopsis Find trailers reviews synopsis awards and cast information for Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Poon ManKit on AllMovie Max Mok Siuchung stars in this gangster flick Lung Fung Restaurant Lung Fung Restaurant 1990 Director POON ManKit 潘文傑 Cast Max MOK SiuChung 莫少聪 Ellen CHAN ArLun 陳雅倫 Charine CHAN KaLing 陳嘉玲 Henry FONG Ping 方平 St UWatchFree Watch Movies and TVSeries Online Free Watch movies online on uwatchfree Download your favorite movies and tvseries in HD without registration Watch the latest uwatchfreemovies online Menu Skip to content Genres Movies Featured TVSeries Hindi Telugu Dubbed Movie Request Search UWatchFree Watch Movies and TVSeries Online Free Vertical Limit 2000 HD Sleep Tight 2011 HD Hanging Millstone HD Resident Evil Lung Fung cha lau 1990 IMDb Directed by Man Kit Poon With Siu Chung Mok Stephen Chow Ellen Chan Charine Chan Dragon an extriad member gets out jail and decides to go straight However his old friend Rubbish Pool and old boss Kent usually settles disputes with other gang leaders there so Dragon has a hard time getting pass his old ways
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